Description | This function is the equivalent of the “Check Email” or “Get New Messages” button in a normal email client. It handles the entire connection and downloading process, inserting records into the POP3it_Messages and POP3it_Attachments tables (which are created by the plug-in if they do not exist). It also handles deleting email off the server either when it finds it is no longer in the database or after a specified number of days (depending on if you have those options turned on for the Account). The first parameter is the Name of the Account to Check. If you do not specify an Account Name or if you specify “All”, POP3it Pro will download email for All defined Accounts. You can also specify a return- or paragraph mark-separated list of account names to Check. If you specify “Dialog”, POP3it Pro will present the user with a Dialog to choose one or more Accounts to Check. The second parameter will specify whether or not to Show the Status Window as it downloads email. By default POP3it Pro will Show the Status Window when downloading email, but if you do not want it to do that, you can specify False for this parameter. If the Status Window is already shown before this function is called, the ShowStatus parameter is ignored. It’s always a good idea to have the Status Window open while downloading email because there is a Cancel button on the Status Window which will allow you to cancel out of a lengthy email download process.