Example Databases
Transfer File
This example shows how to transfer a single file to/from an FTP server using external Function calls.
Transfer File (Script Steps)
This example shows how to transfer a single file to/from an FTP server using the plug-in’s script steps.
Working with FTPit Pro Accounts
This example shows a few common ways to work with the built-in FTP Pro Accounts.
Download to Container
This example shows a simple way to download a file directly into a container field.
Upload from Container
This example shows a simple way to upload a file directly from a container field.
Transfer Directory
This example shows how to easily transfer an entire directory to/from an FTP server.
Transfer File Server Edition
This example shows how to transfer a single file to/from an FTP server using the Server Edition plug-in on FileMaker Server.
FTP Client
This example shows one way you can recreate an FTP client within FileMaker.