Register the plug-in
If you have purchased a license for the plug-in, you can now register the demo plug-in with your license key to make it the “paid” plug-in. When you register the plug-in, the license information is stored on your computer so you only have to register the one time. There are two ways to register the CNS Query SE plug-in. Both methods achieve the same thing, so you can use either one.
You do not have to purchase a license in order to test the plug-in. Our 30-day free demo is fully functional and works exactly the same as the "paid" plug-in. In fact, the demo and the "paid" plug-in file is the exact same file. You simply register the demo plug-in file and it becomes the "paid" version.
Register using the Installer Database
The easiest way to register the plug-in on your FileMaker Server is to upload the Installer Database to your server and open it with FileMaker Pro. Then just locate the “Register” function in the “On FileMaker Server” section and press it.
If you have your FileMaker Server (FMS) and the FileMaker Server Web Publishing Engine (WPE) installed on two separate servers, you may have to register the CNS Query SE plug-in twice. This is true if you are using the plug-in on both the FMS and the WPE. Please see this How do I register the Server plug-in in a Multiple-Machine Deployment setup? FAQ article for more information.
Register using the plug-in’s register function
To register via function, place the CNSQuery_Register function in a script in a database hosted on your FileMaker Server. Add a Set Field/Variable step to the script, and then set the Calculated Result or the Value to the following:
CNSQuery_Register( “FirstName” ; “LastName” ; “1234–5678–1234–5678” ; “I Accept the License Agreement” )
Make sure you replace the First Name, Last Name, and License Key with the details found in your Receipt Email. This script can then be run through FileMaker Server Scheduled Scripts, Perform Script on Server, or via Web Publishing and it will register the CNS Query SE plug-in.