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CNS Image

Import, edit, and export Images in the FileMaker environment


Image Types

NameImage Types

Image Formats that can be Read (Imported and Converted From) on Both Mac OS X and Windows:

Image Name File Type File Extensions
JPEG JPEG .jpg; .jpeg; .jpe; .pjpeg; .jfif;
GIF GIF .gif
PNG PNG .png
Windows Bitmap BMP .bmp
PICT PICT .pic; .pict; .pct
TIFF TIFF .tif; .tiff
Photoshop 8BPS .psd
Silicon Graphics SGI .sgi
Targa TPIC .tga; .tpic; .vda; .vst
MacPaint PNTG .mac; .pnt
PDF* PDF .pdf
*PDF - Requires the installation of Ghostscript to Read the file.

Image Formats that can be Written (Converted To and Exported) on Both Mac OS X and Windows:

Image Name File Type File Extensions
JPEG JPEG .jpg; .jpeg; .jpe; .pjpeg; .jfif;
GIF GIF .gif
PNG PNG .png
Windows Bitmap BMP .bmp
PICT PICT .pic; .pict; .pct
TIFF TIFF .tif; .tiff
Photoshop 8BPS .psd
Silicon Graphics SGI .sgi
Targa TPIC .tga; .tpic; .vda; .vst

  • You can use either the Image Name or the File Type when specifying types in CNS Image.
  • On Mac OS X, CNS Image uses both the File Type and the File Extensions in the Import Dialog to determine if a file is a valid image type. On Windows, CNS Image only uses the File Extensions in the Import Dialog. When exporting images from your database, CNS Image will append the first listed file extension to the file name.
  • On Windows, if you paste an image into a container, the underlying format is a Windows MetaFile, DIB, or OLE format, which is incompatible with CNS Image. The plug-in will be able to manipulate the “JPEG Preview” however.